Sarcastic remarks overheard

"Sarcasm" is the poetry of choice for young people in the 21st Century. Following is a list of remarks my wife and I overheard. Enjoy! Overheard in a lunch room: This isn't an office; it's Hell with fluorescent lighting. I pretend to work; they pretend to pay me. Errors have been made. Others will be... Continue Reading →

8 Thoughts on growing old

Will Rogers (1879-1935), a 20th Century American humorist, philosopher, cowboy, author, newspaper columnist, political commentator, radio and show biz personality, had an opinion about everything. Born in the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma before it became a state, Rogers became famous for his easy going demeanor and his droll wit. His earthy anecdotes and folksy style... Continue Reading →

Recently Overheard Remarks

See that fellow in the picture for this article - the one that's typing on his phone as the others talk? Here are some remarks that I was privileged (?) to overhear. At work... How do I set a laser printer to stun?This isn't an office - it's Hell with fluorescent lighting!Errors have been made.... Continue Reading →

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