Our Domer, the Magnificent just had his 2nd birthday!

Our yellow lab, Domer, just had his second birthday the other day!

WOW! Time flies!!

My wife and I were reminiscing about the day we brought him home. It was a two-hour car ride, and Domer was just a 6-week old puppy…Yep…two hours, 6-weeks old, first car ride…


But we kept him anyway.

Now, he’s grown into mature dog. Why just the other day, an Amazon delivery man came in the back gate to deliver a package, and Domer was so happy to see him! In fact, Domer noticed the poor man had a phone in his hand and well as a large package, so Domer helped him by taking his phone!

What followed looked like a three Stooges movie clip…

The delivery man and I are chasing him all over the yard, my wife is standing on the porch yelling at all of us (including the dog), and Domer is prancing around so proudly as he leaves us lying on the ground in his wake…(and the delivery man and I are BOTH former football players!!).

[SIGHS again]

Domer finally gave up that phone to my wife; the delivery man ran for his truck and hauled (whatever) down the street, and I just laid in the grass…in the same posture I had when I blew a tackle and the receiver scored an 80-yard touchdown.

[SIGHS for a third time]

Our Domer, the Magnificient hasn’t changed a bit in two years…my wife and I, however, are both on medicine for our nerves.

Ah well, what are dogs and kids for – except to drive you crazy.

HONEY, where’s my Xanax?

Food for thought and laughs.

Mac and Wife

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