‘A Slight Mistake’ – A love story

We were cleaning out a closet and found this handwritten story at the bottom of an old, battered, shoe box.

Take a deep breath and read on!

A young man wished to purchase a gift for his sweetheart. He was accompanied by his sister. They visited a ladies ready-to-wear department. After much deliberation, he decided on a pair of gloves. He bought the pair, and his sister bought a pair of bloomers for herself.

As was the custom at the time, they asked for one parcel to be delivered to the house, and the other to be delivered to his sweetheart who lived in a nearby town. He also gave the clerk a note he had written to her to be added to her parcel.

Alas, there was a slight mistake.

The parcels were accidently mixed up. The bloomers and the note were sent to his sweetheart, and the gloves to his sister.

Here was his note:

Dear Little Sweetheart, This little token is to remind you that I am keeping tabs on your birthday. I chose these because I thought you needed them as you are not in the habit of wearing them when you go out in the morning or evening. If it had not been for my sister, I would have purchased long ones with buttons. The lady I bought them from showed me a pair she has been wearing for five weeks and they were hardly soiled at all! They are of a delicate color, and she claims they are all wearing them short now. I didn’t know the exact size, yet I should be more capable of judging them than any other person. I had the clerk try them on, and they sure did look nice on her.

After you put them on once or twice, they will slip on more easily, and when you pull them off, blow into them before putting them away as they will naturally be a little damp from wearing.

I wish I could put them on for you for the first time. No doubt, Honey, a gentleman’s hand will come into contact with them before I have a chance to see them again. But I sincerely hope that you will think of me every time that you put them on.

Be sure to keep them on while cleaning them, because if you don’t, they will sure shrink. I hope you will accept them in the spirit they are given and will you please wear them for the dance tonight?

Your boyfriend who never forgets.


PS. Knowing the number of times I will kiss the back of them this coming year, the clerk said the latest style is to wear them unbuttoned and hanging down , so I expect to see them thus.

We never found the rest of the story . . .

Food for laughter.


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