Americans – a decaying symbol?

american oval signage
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I was on Twitter today. Watching and reading the tweets that dominate the Twitter-verse was a SCARY experience! (And they had nothing to do with Halloween!)


Tweets filled with invectives, accusations, warnings of violence, and words of intolerance all spewed from that endless, rolling page.

All of them Americans – Republicans, Democrats, Independents, women, men, old, middle-aged, young – tweeting about their fellow Americans – and with such vitriole!

I thought we were ALL countrymen. All members of the Red, White, and Blue Band. Citizens and dwellers in the country of righteous beliefs; the good guys helping those in need and protecting other countries from the world bullies of totalitarianism, communism, and all the other isms that don’t believe in putting their people FIRST.

I thought we were all believers in that faded line on that old parchment that says every human being has the right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness!

But I didn’t see that righteousness. The tweets didn’t say those righteous things. The tweeters didn’t express such righteous thoughts.

I just saw hate, read hate, heard hate.

Hate – not love, not respect, not acceptance, not gravitas – just hate.

America – the Land of Hate, the Home of Narcissism.

America – a decaying symbol of what once was.

Food for thought.


2 thoughts on “Americans – a decaying symbol?

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  1. Might social media only have revealed something that always been there?…but now has a public outlet? I’ve often wondered. I have to take long breaks from twitter, especially, because of the constant stream of sewage.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Twitter is definitely the sewage processing platform of the world. But you raise a very interesting point – outlet vs influence. Good food for thought & I think you’re right about that.

      Liked by 1 person

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