Is our government taking away our ‘Freedom of Speech’?


My wife and I watched the Bret Kavanaugh hearings on television – as did a large portion of America and the world.

In our Capitol Building – where some of history’s greatest orators, legislators, presidents, and world leaders have trod – where some of history’s greatest moments have happened – Donald Trump and his circus of clowns held a farce – and a poorly done one at that!

It was a farce that mocked our participatory democracy, disrespected the dignity of individuals, and endangered our freedom of speech/press/and choice.

Where did our United States of America go? To where did our land of the free and the home of the brave disappear?

We ask those questions because that hearing allowed a man to question America’s free speech and press – to call an example of our democracy-in-action ‘a national disgrace.‘ And later members of that hearing said the man was CREDIBLE!

But yet, those same people villified, castigated, and judged – with silent, stern, disrespectful visages – a citizen coming-forth to exercise a CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHT to speak out against a candidate to our highest court who will make decisions that include HER for decades to come!

I thought FREEDOM of SPEECH was for EVERYONE – not just a chosen few.

Kavanaugh’s remarks are protected by our Bill of Rights and by countless cases decided by that very court toward which he is groping. I don’t LIKE what he said, but I’ll go to war to protect his RIGHT to say them. Or I’ll kneel during the Star-Spangled Banner before any football game to protest ANY encroachment on that right he has.

But shouldn’t Dr. Ford be treated with the same respect – even by Kavanaugh? Shouldn’t Kavanaugh respect our participatory democracy (in which both of THEM were participating that day) since he wants to sit on the bench of the court that decides the interpretation of that document that protects us all?

However, the remarks he made during his outburst call into question his integrity and competence to sit on the highest court in America – far more than Dr. Ford’s testimony ever did.

Should Brett Kavanaugh be permitted to make decisions about that process of democracy, about the document that guarantees it, and about us – the citizens of the United States of America?

Stand up AMERICA, and be HEARD!

Food for thought.



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