The many hues of ‘Autumn’


Walking hand-in-hand that chilly evening, a gentle rain pattering lightly on the umbrella, my wife and I enjoyed the return of Fall. The reflection of the street lamps on the damp pavement ahead of us and the rustling sound of the fallen leaves beneath our shoes evoked warm ‘Remember when…‘ moments as we strolled.

Autumn is our fav season!

The word Autumn evokes the blast of vibrant colors in the trees and the frost on the grass. It’s the crisp morning air and the warm afternoon sun. It’s the roadside stands selling fresh cider and donuts under the heavy apple trees with mounds of orange pumpkins nearby. It’s the wet nights and shared walks.

The Autumn of memory was the smell of burning leaves and romping through piles of freshly raked ones. It was the ‘back to school’ excitement and the year’s new tv shows. It meant frost on the grass, lightweight jackets, and walking through the crispy colored leaves every morning.

Autumn, that word of many hues, signals the twilight of a year and the passing of life.

Food for thought.


FYI: Painting is by the late American artist Leonid Afremov

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