Daily Prompt: Warning: Intense weather ahead!

via Daily Prompt: Warning


Warning: Intense weather ahead!

This warning is rarely understood in its conceptual sense or in its figurative sense.

We all know the meaning of each word – warning, intense, weather, ahead – singly. But we fail to understand them together conceptually…or figuratively.

I mean we do….but we really don’t.

Do I seem confused? Is my message confused? Are you confused?

THAT’S what I mean!

A warning means danger so wake-up – be cautious – watch out! But we’re not doing it because we don’t UNDERSTAND. We call it an El or an La or some other quick, confusing, brush-off weather term that creates a climate of obfuscation, cloudiness, or fog that confuses that warning.

We think our planet is indestructible. (After all, I mean, like ya know, it WAS around for the ‘Big Bang’ wasn’t it?) Always blue skies, white puffy clouds, April showers, fields of wheat and corn, and more trees where those came from.

That’s why we don’t UNDERSTAND – you see – we don’t WANT to.

But climate change is a growing problem we must solve. Otherwise,

Warning: Intense Weather Ahead!

 will make perfect sense – literally and figuratively.

but we’ll be dead because we didn’t obey the Warning.

Food for thought.



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