Tomorrow’s Promise…A Reflection


My wife and I are well-educated. Our blogs and posts are a manifestation of our education. Our writing is a product.

Education made us thinkers – people who question – individuals with a like-minded view that learning never stops – with perspectives that can’t be set in cement because, like the world, we don’t know everything yet.

Both of us credit people who influenced our never-ending journey of learning. Those people were teachers. Not every teacher – just certain ones.

My wife calls them lighthouses – metaphorical beacons of guiding light along our journey of learning through the darkness of ignorance.

In our past, my wife and I were blessed because many of our teachers were dedicated to the mission – the TRUE mission of education:

To inspire students to learn for a lifetime.

For both of us, our parents were yesterday’s attitudes.

But our teachers were tomorrow’s promise.

Food for thought.



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