Musings on a Snowy Day in March


As we sit here drinking our coffees and reading our politics, the snow is swirling outside – heavily swirling.

Reads like the opening line in a December or January post doesn’t it?

It’s March 22 – (one month fromĀ Earth Day), and this is the fourth “heavy snow” or nor’easter of 2018. Yep, fourth in three months.

Trump (and assorted other ignoramuses) say the snow is “evidence” there is noĀ global warming.

I hate that term. While it’s the “correct” label for the physical phenomena taking place globally, it’s also misleading because “non-scientist” people tend to think literally/linearly…global warming = less snow and cold.


The term being increasingly bandied about (and correctly inĀ allĀ respects) isĀ Climate Change. Like the reason I have to start the snow blower (again) and clear the walks (again) – and it’s the END of MARCH! [Do NOT quote Shakespeare to me either…]

Instead of kite weather [anyone still do kites these days??], we have Frosty the Snowman weather.

We’ve done several posts regarding climate change [hereĀ andĀ here]. But today, my wife and I gazed at the snow, snug with our warm brews, and talked about the coming times [definitelyĀ in your lifetimes and maybe even the tag-end of ours].

The growing debate about climate change willĀ soonĀ cease being a debate. Everyone [even Trump] will realize our weather IS changing and that we’re committing planet-wide suicide.

There are only two questions that remain for each of us to answer:

Will we form aĀ planetary governmentĀ in order to save our planet?Ā 

Or will we all die?

I need to start my snow blower.

Food for thought.



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