My Wife – My Life


The title basically says it all for me.

But the subtlety of that is lost on all of you. (Rather condescending statement on my part isn’t it?)

But it’s true.

My wife is blessed with intelligence, wit, health, charm, tech savvy, beauty, a love of reading, and a love and talent for music – blessings and skills as varied and as similar the women in my other posts.

And she is a mother – a wonderful one.

She accomplished a college degree with her intelligence. She entered a professional career she wanted. She made a difference in many people’s lives using her wit, charm, tech savvy and love and talent for music. And she raised a strong, independent daughter.

And this is her story.

I’m disabled. She is not.

Granted, my disability is not as catastrophic on my daily living as others face. But it is to my wife. Her lifestyle is severely affected on a daily basis. She was blessed with no physical, mental, or emotional problem to impede her.

But she CHOSE to add my burden and my struggle to her lifestyle when she said yes to my proffered ring, and she continues to choose it – every – single – day.

By taking on my struggles, she took on my complexities – a person that life has shaped by various encounters with the ignorant, the bullys, the insensitive – and who is shaped by the effort to be “as good as anyone else, if not better.”

Or from another view – “He’s difficult to live with isn’t he?”

I am grateful for her love, her courage, her tenacity, her patience, and her understanding that reaches me on such a deep and meaningful level.

Or more succinctly – My Wife – My Life – in so many ways.

Food for thought.



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