On International Women’s Day – The Series of Tributes to Come

ALL Women ‘Make History’ (But do we choose to recognize it?)

We (as a People) sometimes forget the past and the oftentimes benign lessons that sit back there, untaught and, therefore, unlearned by the future.

As I sit here contemplating the significance of International Women’s Day and Women’s History month, I can’t help it but be reminded of all the women in my life whose dreams and possibilities were stunted because the attitudes behind those celebrations today were not always present.

My grandmother, mother, mother-in-law, and wife are all women whose stories are unique to me, but they, most likely, are representative stories of their gender.

I want to share their stories and seek to uncover the benign lessons each one offers for me. The lessons to be learned from each woman, however, will be different for every reader.

So, I invite you to follow my posts over the next few days as I share each one with the world during this month-long celebration of humanity’s “other halves.”

Food for thought.



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