A Cup of Coffee – A Sip of Life


Thank the Heavens above for coffee!

My wife and I sincerely enjoy the smell of it brewing and the nectar of that first sip. They signal, for us, love, comfort, and an intimate daily ritual. 

These acts also represent the portal through which, together, we pass to face the world of yesterday, today, and the harbingers of tomorrow.

Around our sips, we share our minds, our love, our fears, our laughter through those stories of the world as they strike one of those chords in our souls.

And through each other’s perspective, we grow – as a couple and as individuals – never condemnatory, never self-important, but wiser, closer, more complete.

We wish for the World, what the World gives us – 

A good cup of coffee, the news, and someone with whom to share both.

Food for thought.

Both of us

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