Don’t We Have the RIGHT to LIFE?


It’s already the last day of February!

Where does time go? During our coffee time this morning, my wife and I commiserated on our sense that life is but blink.

Life, for each of us, flows at a pace individual to each of us. But at least we are gifted with the opportunity to live it.

However, that opportunity to live should NEVER be shortened because someone has the means available to extinguish it in a fit of rage, pique, ego or madness.

We all know that not all of us are capable of rational thought – some never are, others have momentary lapses – and knowing that fact of life, the means that can end life should NEVER be available to anyone who reaches that point.

Mass or individual – the quantity is irrelevant. EVERY life is a gift to the person bearing it. Diseases, defects, accidents, personal choice are all dangers we all face as we live our INDIVIDUAL gifts of LIFE.

But to avail someone of the means to take our gift is as criminal as the action of taking it.

Unequivocally and without hesitation, our stance is that NO civilians should have access to weapons.

And furthermore, recourses to remediate problem lives need to be available from all of us to all of us in recognition that each life IS a gift.

We truly need to LIVE that dictum we gave to the world in 1776:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident,

  • that all men are created equal,
  • that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
  • that among these are LIFE, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness

If the NRACongress, and the president all believe that THEY have the right to LIFE and Happiness, why deprive us of our LIBERTY to do the same?

Also, please don’t forget the next crucial line of that July dictum:

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED.

WE are the GOVERNED. They can’t do anything we don’t want.

Because they work FOR us.

They DON’T work for the NRA or for the radical minority who wants to tote guns or use them as a SYMBOL of Liberty that represses the OTHER two truths that bracket it – Happiness and LIFE.

Food for thought.


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