Never Mind SAYING Merry Christmas, BE Merry Christmas

We hope that December 25th was a good day for everyone.

We enjoyed a nice dinner at the home of one of our children. The power was intermittent – sowing some frustration in the kitchen – however, the food was good, and the present exchange was fun.

But that isn’t the reason for this post.

During our drive to the family celebration Christmas morning, we noticed several drivers out and about were extremely rude to other drivers. While we weren’t the victims (or perpetrators) of any of these incidents, we WERE surprised. After all, it WAS Christmas day! While none of the incidents were life-threatening, they were still rude – failing to slow down and let someone on the road from a side street or a gas station, or not allowing someone to merge in a line of cars.

After noticing the second such incident, my wife laconically commented, “Never mind SAYING ‘Merry Christmas’ – BE ‘Merry Christmas.'”

Of course I laughed at her sarcastic reference, but for the entire day that thought was never far from my mind. On the way home, we discussed it further – without coffee.

The families in which we grew up always said “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays,” or “Season’s Greetings.” But our parents also taught us to respect the cultures of others and to tailor our holiday season greetings appropriately. Being a more contentious person than my wife, I remember asking “Why?”

My mom merely counter-questioned, “If it’s our faith’s holy-day, why make someone feel uncomfortable or unincluded just because they are of a different faith? Is that what Christ would do?”

Made sense to me. And that brings me to the point of this post (and my wife’s comment).

In the New Year to come, maybe more people should worry LESS about saying something with Christ’s name in it – but BEHAVE more like Christ to their fellow humans.

BE Merry Christmas, don’t just SAY it.

Food for thought.


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